I am teaching a critique-only class!
And doing an AMA and teaching another crash course! Deets inside <3
Hey my fave readers!
I am coming to you on this seemingly random Thursday to share some fun things with you! My intention was to send this email much earlier but I just moved across the country and I don’t know what day it is anymore!! I am currently in the hellscape that is living out of backpacks and boxes and I can’t wait to be more settled.
The reason I write to you today is because tomorrow is a really important day!! I will be doing a live AMA with Type Electives and it is the deadline to apply to my brand new class (that I haven’t even talked to y’all about yet!!).
Let’s start with the AMA! Tomorrow at 1pm-2pm EST, Juan, Lynne (founders of Type Electives) and I will be having a candid and casual discussion about getting started in type design. It’s a great opportunity to ask some questions and hear about how we all got started in type design. If you want to ask a question, DM @typeelectives on instagram! We’d love to hear what you’d like us to talk about. RSVP (for free!) here. <3
I am teaching a brand new class this fall and the application deadline is tomorrow! It’s called Type Design Development Workshop (say that 5 times fast!!) and it’s a class that is solely for getting feedback on a type design project. It’s geared towards students who have some experience in type design and have a project started that they would love to finish or get close to finishing!
This class is 10 weeks long (Wednesdays, Sep. 25 – Nov. 27, 2024 from 6-8pm EST). Every other week will be a 2 hour crit session. That time will be divided equally between students. During the non-crit weeks, I will have an office hour where students can ask questions or get additional feedback. There won’t be any structured lectures but I will provide guidance and direction to specific topics that come up! If this sounds interesting to you, apply by tomorrow night!! Hope to see you in class!
Lastly, I am teaching another Crash Course In Type Design later this fall (Mondays, Oct. 21 – Nov. 18, 6-8pm EST) and it’s always a hoot and a half! I won’t give you the whole spiel because I am sure you know it by heart at this point. But here’s the link to sign up for 5 weeks of type design fun!!
And because I’d like to make this a less business-y email:
I recently subscribed to Kate Bingaman Burt’s Substack, KBBBlog. It’s so good! She has a talent for sharing her process and work. I love the most recent one about her fave tools + supplies!
Alex and I started listening to the book In The Woods by Tana French on our 35 hour drive from California to Minnesota. We haven’t finished it yet but it’s very good so far! It’s a murder mystery based in Dublin in the early 00’s. Can’t wait to see how it ends!
I recently got the very-hyped-on-artsy-youtube Lamy fountain pen because my local art supply had a coupon and I can say that it is very fun to write/draw with! I wouldn’t say its for calligraphy really but it’s fun to draw with. The ink flows really nicely and it is very smooth to write with. I got the medium nib!
I am big fan of Leigh Ellexson’s youtube channel. She has reminded me that once upon a time, I was really into fine art and drew all the time. She’s the main inspiration behind keeping a daily sketchbook lately and my attempts to reconnect with my artsy side!
This is wildly unrelated to anything letter-based, but I am hand-sewing a hexie quilt out of my sewing scraps. Similar to this! I had to take a little break from knitting this summer (due to going too fast and too furious with some cotton yarn and hurting my hands) and I picked up a new hobby. I am using the English Paper Piecing method (learned about from this video!) and it’s such a relaxing thing to be working on. I am calling it my 5 to 10 year project!!
Until a random future date,
P.s. — my spell checker is in a meeting and I don’t feel like waiting to send! Don’t judge me for my errors!!