~* TGIF *~
Currently, I am living in a post-visiting-family and post-bday emotional hangover— so forgive me if I am all over the place today!
At the beginning of this year, my partner and I moved from San Francisco to Santa Cruz (~70 miles south for non-CA folks). It was a desperate attempt to get some space, and breathe in that sweet, sweet ocean air. I still miss our neighborhood in SF. We lived on top of a giant hill (near Twin Peaks) and would walk circles around the top of the hill daily. On one of our walks, I saw these numbers and snapped a pic.
I like the stretched out bottom half and how top heavy the numbers feel. The house that they were on was on stilts (due to it being on the side of a steep hill) and I feel like the numbers are very fitting. Very stilt-y. I tried to replicate the stretched-out feeling for all the numbers. Even if it makes the 4 feel awkward.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed this, but I have mostly avoided drawing numbers for this project. I find designing numbers to be very difficult. They’re just so weird and have completely different rules than the letters. And since they break the rules, they never feel quite right. So in an attempt to get better at them, I decided to make a little data set this week. Just numbers and relevant punctuation. It’s useful for big data call outs, phone numbers, and even temperatures!
Libbie & the spider that lives in her window <3