Hey y’all!
Welcome to the 10th installment of my email updates! I hope none of you noticed that I skipped the last one. There was a lot of personal chaos on my end and I couldn’t get myself to write an email. Don’t hate my guts! </3
Firstly, my Crash Course In Type Design class started last week and we’re having so much fun! My students are already killing it and we’re only in week two. We will definitely share the students work when the class wraps up. Stay tuned!! (ps — there are still some Type Electives classes open!)
I’m back on my Socko shit. It’s the one thats stuck in my head so it’s the one that gets worked on. Like I said in my previous update, I am struggling with a few letters. Most notably, the F. For now, I have resigned myself to the most boring version. A couple pals recommended doing a lowercase form that leans back a bit (similar to Cooper Black). But using a lowercase F breaks up the flow and heaviness of the other letters. It also bugs me to use a couple lowercase forms in a caps font. It feels a little inconsistent, ya know?
My big picture solution is to have two sets of caps — one decorative and one boring. The decorative style will utilize some lowercase/unicase forms in the spirit of the original Socko. The boring style will hopefully be more functional in most scenarios.
Is it the perfect solution? No clue! But I think it will increase the functionality of the overall project. This way the caps can be cherry picked for specific needs. And then I can try some funkier F’s. Next up for Socko is diacritics and there might even be an Italic version!
5 Things I’m Into Right Now
Font of the Month club’s latest release, Megascope, is so fun! I love the width variations and the ruthless dedication to keeping the round forms circular!! Check it out here!
I really resonated with the latest Typochondriac newsletter. Francis talked about his transition from client work to type work and I have had so many of the same thoughts/feelings about my career choices! Give it a read. :)
I have become absolutely obsessed with audiobooks — specifically of the fantasy genre. I have listened to the Outlander books, I’m part way through the ACOTAR series, and have listened to the first book in the Discovery of Witches series. I never thought I’d be a fantasy guy but here I am!! Absolutely hooked!
The new HBO series, The Last of Us, has been so good and also so stressful! Episode 3 made my cry like 5 times!!
Work Until I Die by S.G. Goodman has been stuck in my head all week!
Kindest regards,
Thank you Libbie for the link to my post :)